I found this the other day and have to share it – it is one of the simplest and best examples of storytelling I’ve seen recently. It works really well because it is so intuitive.

I’ve seen plenty of pictures of little figures in unusual settings, it is a form that really appeals to me. The idea of small figures in a human sized world opens up all sorts of ways to play with perspective, which I love. I have my own tumblr on this theme that I simply don’t update often enough. Tatsuya Tanaka’s work (pictured below) is in a different league though, and I’ll explain why.

. 6.26 fri “Slanting rain” . 私が住んでいる鹿児島の今日の天気。 予報ではこんな感じだそうです。苦笑 . , #天気予報 #横殴りの雨

A photo posted by Tatsuya Tanaka (@tanaka_tatsuya) on


The BEST stories allow the audience to make a connection between two disparate ideas and, in doing so, illuminate each unexpectedly. There is a richness in allowing the audience to come to their own conclusions and an intellectual delight in having your world view gently shifted.

The common theme in Tanaka’s images is taking the form of a ‘normal’ sized object to suggest something totally other in the miniature landscape he creates. Here the linear stripe pattern in the edge of glossy magazines magically suggests driving rain when titled to 45 degrees. Oh, and a tiny person and umbrella in shot completes the transformation.

Help me see the world differently, teach me to keep on looking. Tell me stories so I can be jolted out of my habitual assumptions and see the world anew.